The learning plan
What can be found in the surroundings of the kindergarten?
To learn to identify familiar landmarks.
To observe one's own environment and the surroundings.

Methods & activities
What will you do? What kind of activities will be used?
We will search for the kindergarten and the playgrounds and forests around it using the map service on the tablet. We will set the map service to show us the shortest route to the first destination. We will also look for other routes to the chosen destination on the map. On the way, we will take photos with the tablet of important landmarks and the observations made by the children on our route. We will also take pictures of the destinations. At the kindergarten, we will print the photos and create maps of the excursion destinations we have used, utilizing the pictures taken by the children.
Resources & materials
What are the resources needed to carry out the plan?
A tablet for photography.
For the excursion, a backpack that contains first aid supplies and the children's information and photographs.
Excursion vests.
A cheerful mind.
Skills & competences

Exploring and interacting with my environment
Observing the environment and taking photographs, we learn to recognize familiar landmarks where we live. Recognition enhances the feeling of safety.

We learn to identify places or landmarks through pictures. From what kind of image or which feature do we recognize a familiar place, location, or building.