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Fostering Holistic Development from the Start! Benefits of Technology in Early Education

In today's world, technology has become a crucial tool in our daily lives and educational settings, becoming increasingly important in early education.

Early education in Colombia is an undeniable right and a foundation for comprehensive care. Its goal is to intentionally enhance the overall development of children from birth until they turn six, recognizing their characteristics and the specific contexts they live in and fostering interactions through enriching environments, educational experiences, and caregiving practices.

Early education aims not just to prepare children for school but to enhance their development and learning from a young age through challenging experiences involving play, literature, exploration, art, and technology. Nowadays, technology offers children not only entertaining activities but also opportunities for autonomous learning. It could be said that technology is like a second language for children (digital natives) despite all the discussions around this topic.

In this context, it's common to find tools like educational apps or interactive teaching programs specifically designed for preschool children. These resources can help kids enhance various skills such as logical math, problem-solving, language, multimodality, initiative, leadership, social and cultural awareness, and more, as well as understand, interpret, and produce different types of media (media literacy), encourage collaborative work, and communication among children, depending on how these tools or resources are used.

Moreover, technology can also improve parental communication and involvement in their children's education. Thanks to smartphone apps, parents can stay informed about what their children are learning so they can continue to support development at home and in various settings, strengthening the necessary connection between family and educational institution.

While there are more and more apps or tools for directors and teachers allowing interaction with various members of the educational community and manage administrative processes, it is necessary to have technological tools that enable teachers to enrich their pedagogical practice, manage knowledge, promote pedagogical reflection, and collaborative work among teachers, especially considering the quality of early education to ensure high-quality development and learning processes for our children. Remember that the investments made in the first four to six years of life, both pedagogically and humanely, significantly impact subsequent development, creating more proactive, creative, and sensitive generations.

With technological applications like TinyApp, you can achieve this. It allows you to organize and make visible all the pedagogical information of your educational institution, from recording personalized information of children within a framework of comprehensive care and guarantee of rights with family participation, planning activities and pedagogical projects that you can systematize, evaluate, and make visible; to real-time communication with families, who can know and participate in pedagogical proposals and actively contribute to the development and learning of their children.

Additionally, TinyApp, at the forefront of artificial intelligence, enables teachers to enrich their pedagogical proposals with Elina, an expert assistant in planning activities and projects for early education focused on the children based on their interests, age group, contexts, diversity and inclusion, development goals, skills to enhance, among others. Thus, teachers can receive suggestions and ideas for high-quality planning and interventions through an interactive dialogue with Elina, undoubtedly contributing to the reflection on their pedagogical practices, the qualification of their pedagogical proposals, and the promotion of the skills of preschool children.

As a director, it allows you to manage, monitor, and provide timely feedback on institutional pedagogical dynamics and communication channels, as everything is found in one place, saving time and improving efficiency in your management through the metrics and graphs that the app generates. Technology can be a helpful tool in early education, becoming a valuable ally for the entire educational community.

Learn more about TinyApp and its benefits from our website.

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