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Are you looking for answers for daily challenges and wish to find ways to solve problems with your child?

Do you feel you would love to learn more about the fascinating job as a parent, and improve your skills and knowledge with the most successful parenting style?


Are you looking for ways to prepare your child for the future challenges? 

If you are answering yes to one or more of the above questions, you have come absolutely to the right place.

The challenge of parenting

We believe that parents in the 21st Century are  under considerable pressure to prepare their children for a future they cannot even imagine.


“I can’t imagine the world my daughter will be an adult in.”


“I believe my children will live in an era of rapid world change, and I encourage 

them to be adaptable, resilient and intuitive.”


Parenting is definitely the most important and challenging job we will ever have. And yet, there is no education or degree you can study to become a successful parent! 


We are a team of parents and professional teacher, and we are here to support and help you, modern time parents and professionals to solve these challenges. We come from Finland, which is often called the most innovative and educated country in the world, and has also the best preschool system.  Everything you will read and learn in this course is based on Finnish pedagogy and Finnish teaching.


We welcome you to join us on this parenting challenge. We will be your guides and offer peer mentoring, from parents to parents. We will share what really works so you can feel happier and more confident with your parenting ability. Together we will learn new thinking and practical tools, which can support our children to grow happy and prosper in life.


Together we will reimagine parenting!

Positive Parenting from Finland




We have tailored the world’s best pedagogy and parenting 

into 4 modules and a total of 30 chapters.


Learn online, when you want, wherever you are, and transform your parenting confidence in as little as 15 minutes at a time.

Our course is divided into 4 modules

Social, emotional, co-operation and creativity skills are the main topics of our modules. 

What you will learn:


  1. You and your child will learn skills that make it easy to make friends and prosper at school. 

  2. You will learn to understand your emotions and take others’ emotions into account. 

  3. You learn to work in teams, as everyone should in the future. 

  4. You also gain tools to improve your creativity and innovation ability.


These future skills are at times referred to as the 21st-century skills or transversal skills. They stretch into all aspects of life and learning. We believe these skills are the ones your child will need the most in the future, and that is why we call them the future skills.

We focus on relevant everyday issues, answer real questions,
and provide encouragement

Learn more about the futureskills and the course content.

1. Social skills


you will learn how to support the development of social skills and how to help the child to become a true ’social skill’ champion.

Listen to the introduction:

2. Emotional skills

you will get practical advice how to raise children,

who are physically healthier, succeed in school, are

more popular among their peers and teachers, and

manage downfalls better than average. And please remember, if you don’t manage your

emotions, then your emotion’s will manage you.

Listen to the introduction:

3. Co-operation skills


cooperation brings people closer together, helps people to learn from each other and opens up new channels for communication. Cooperation also helps us to solve problems. It is one of the most important skills the child can master.

Listen to the introduction:

4. Creativity skills


parents are their children’s best supporters and teachers. They know their children better than anyone else. For this reason parents play the most important role of all in raising children. This is also true of guiding creativity. No one else can do it better than you.

Listen to the introduction:

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Any questions? 

Are u still wondering if the course is for you? We are happy to help. 


Thank you! We'll be in touch soon!

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